Chest Pain And Blurred Vision Causes What Causes Chest Pains Followed By Numbness In The Left Arm And Blurred Vision?
What causes chest pains followed by numbness in the left arm and blurred vision? - chest pain and blurred vision causes
I am 27 and have been given to the pain in the chest ... Doctors told me it was caused by stress. Now they are usually about my tingling and numbness in his left arm after I sometimes my left eye is blurry, if followed by pain in the chest. I do not believe that stress causes numbness and blurred vision ..
Sometimes it's fear or stress, but I go to the emergency room immediately to avoid a heart attack. It's already happened in 27 years.
Get your heart checked ASAP.
Go to the emergency room!
Heart Attack, you go to your doctor!
Heart Attack, you go to your doctor!
Heart Attack, you go to your doctor!
should visit the doctor, if not ur screwed
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